Place Stanislas, Place de la Carrière and Place d’Alliance in Nancy

These three squares in Nancy are a masterpiece of 18th-century town planning. They form one of the most harmonious townscapes of that period, and are an outstanding example of the concept of a royal square as a central and monumental urban space.
The value of the site lies not only in its architecture and ornamentation, but also in its functionality. By linking the mediaeval and new towns, Duke Stanislas created an active, lively urban centre, where everybody could find what they were looking for – entertainment, socializing, or doing business. There are public spaces and buildings, including administrative centres, courts of law, religious buildings and places for the arts.
Criterion (i): The three squares in Nancy are a masterpiece of creative urban planning; the facades were designed by Emmanuel Héré inspired by earlier work by Germain Boffrand, the magnificent wrought-iron railings were the work of Jean Lamour, the fountains of Neptune and Amphitrite were designed by the sculptor Guibal, and the fountain in the Place d’Alliance by Paul-Louis Cyfflé.
Criterion (iv): The squares of Nancy are an outstanding example of urbanism during the Age of Enlightenment, on account of the prestigious architecture exalting the sovereign, with triumphal arches, statues and fountains, and also the layout of public spaces and buildings – administrative, judicial, religious and cultural.
- Année d'inscription : 1983
- Critères d'inscription : i, iv
- Superficie du bien inscrit : 7 ha
- Localisation : Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle, Region of Grand-Est
- Coordonnées DMS : N48 41 37 E6 10 60
- Registration year : 1983
- Registration criterion : i, iv
- Area of the inscribed : 7 ha
- Location : Department of Meurthe-et-Moselle, Region of Grand-Est
- Coordinates DMS : N48 41 37 E6 10 60